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Only available on Sharing paper

Publisher Ogega Victor
Published February 12, 2021
Download Price USD 5.00
Number of Words 1 Page(s) / 275 words
Academic Level
Category Business
School Name, Tags, Majors Annotated


Individual Annotated Bibliography

Using resources available to you via the library, Internet, or other media sources, find relevant background information to help gain more knowledge about the client, its industry, stakeholder behavior, social trends, economic conditions, regulations, consumption patterns, etc.

Each team member must include information from the following resources in their own personal annotated bibliography (2 pages per team member):
• One commercial/industry database (e.g. Business Insights, Gfk MRI University Reporter)
• One scholarly journal article (e.g. Journal of Marketing)
• One news article from a credible source (e.g. Wall Street Journal)
• One website (e.g. competitor website, industry trends blog, etc.)
• One Google Trends analysis (https://trends.google.com/trends/)

Once you have identified a sufficient set of resources, create an annotated bibliography in which you cite each resource (APA style) and – in 3 to 4 sentences - summarize its content and explain how it is relevant to the client and/or its business environment (1 sentence). Note: Please break up the summary and sentences about relevance into two paragaphs.

Next, identify three themes (common ideas) that appear in your research resources, and complete the following table, including it in your annotated bibliography file:

Theme Title Description of Theme Sources
E.g. Industry competition E.g. Industry competition is growing, increasing product mix for consumers
and pricing pressures for companies E.g. Industry database, news article, website
Your 1st theme
Your 2nd theme
Your 3rd theme

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