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About Us

Sharingpaper.com was founded in 2010 by Shimtot & Jay Lee, who experienced the same challenges of today’s student in the different educational institutions—high competition, high pressure and high costs for resources, academic materials, articles, books and other study materials.

Our founder realized there are some unfair competition due to the lack of information for the students who are not allowed to get access to the high quality academic materials. It is largely due to the fact that the students do not have enough information for the customized study resources.

So the main purpose and philosophy of Sharingpaper is to make students get access to verified and quality academic resources without any barriers from the limited information.

Sharingpaper will help students get the best quality academic resources with the most convenient way.

Our mission is "Learning by Downloading, Earning by Uploading."

where students can upload their papers and academic resources created by themselves so that they can make points which can be used for their downloads of millions of high quality researh papers and academic resources.

By sharing the papers the students and people can share their ideas and resources for creating new great academic achievements!

Also, the uploaders can make cashable points to resell their own and self created papers, essays, dissertations and other academic resources that are sleeping in the laptops and desktops!

What originally began as a search engine to help their friends share notes and prepare their research papers has now grown into an established destination for students looking to improve their performance in nearly any academic discipline.

Self-funded and expanding daily, Sharingpaper.com generates more than 1 million pages per month to students all over the world.

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