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Traditional Bullying and Cyberbullying among Swedish Adolescents : Gender differences and associations with mental health

The aim of this thesis is to study the differences between traditional bullying and cyberbullying among adolescents, focusing on gender, psychosomatic problems, and disability, and to gain insight into health staff’s experience of bullying in schools.The four studies in this thesis were based on sur...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 20.00


Fungal DNA, Mould, Dampness and Allergens in Schools and Day Care Centers and Respiratory Health

Day care centers and schools are important environments for children, but few epidemiological studies exist from these environments. Mould, dampness, fungal DNA and allergens levels in these environments and respiratory health effects in school children were investigated in this thesis. In the day c...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 20.00


Indirect effects of unemployment and low earnings : Crime and children's school performance

This thesis consists of three self-contained essays that consider indirect effects of unemployment and low earnings on crime and children’s school performance. The first essay, Crime, unemployment and labor market programs in turbulent times (joint with Jonas Agell), investigates the effect of unemp...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 20.00


Conditions for Technology Enhanced Learning and Educational Change : a case study of a 1:1 initiative

The uptake and use of digital technologies continues to increase in schools throughout the world. In many schools the uptake and use of digital technologies takes place in One-to-One (1:1) initiatives in which teachers and students have their own laptops. In this thesis the uptake and use of digital...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 20.00


Taking Part on Equal Terms? : Associations between Economic Resources and Social Participation among Swedish Adolescents

This dissertation contains four empirical studies examining associations between economic resources and social participation among Swedish adolescents. All four studies draw data from a school-based survey covering a nationally representative sample of the 2010 cohort of Swedish eighth-grade student...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 20.00


Social Relations and Health : How do the associations vary across contexts and subgroups of individuals?

Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to study the association between social relations and health in different social spheres, and to examine possible interaction effects. Material and Methods: In Paper I, the link between measures of the psychosocial neighbourhood environment, the psychosocial wor...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 20.00


Social Relations in Youth : Determinants and Consequences of Relations to Parents, Teachers, and Peers

The thesis includes three empirical studies on Swedish children’s well-being. Central themes in these studies are how children’s social relations are influenced by and influence other dimensions of their well-being. The studies are framed in the introductory chapter, which includes an international ...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 20.00


Free to Choose? : Studies of Opportunity Constraints and the Dynamics of School Segregation

As a result of the negative consequences and persistence of school segregation, its causes have received a great deal of scholarly attention across a range of disciplines. However, the existing research has tended to overlook those aspects of the segregation process that lie beyond the choice of the...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 20.00


Effective schools in a segregated landscape : Studies of academic achievement and psychological well-being among adolescents in Sweden

Equitable educational opportunities necessitate equitable access to a favourable academic and social school environment. This thesis aims to explore the role of the school as an educational and social arena for the academic achievement and psychological well-being of lower secondary school students ...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 20.00


Public Expenditures and Youth Crime

This dissertation comprises three essays on public expenditures and youth crime.Essay 1 deals with the modelling of youths’ criminal behavior and analyzes the public decision to allocate resources to school and leisure activities. First, an individual time allocation model with a choice set containi...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 20.00

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