Computer generated imagery is used in a wide range of disciplines, each with different requirements. As an example, real-time applications such as computer games have completely different restrictions and demands than offline rendering of feature films. A game has to render quickly using only limite...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Business
Avhandlingen beskriver och analyserar hur frågor kring tillgänglighet/handikapp för första gången aktualiserades och implementerades i planeringen och utformningen av den byggda miljön i Aten, nämligen processen i samband med beslut, planering och implementering av jätteprojektet Atens Metro. Studie...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Business
Information and Communication Tech nologies for Development (ICT4D) deals with understanding the relationship between modern technology use and social and economic development. While play may not appear as an immediate concern to the field, a recent body of work has emerged questioning the role of p...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Business
In this thesis I present a collection of case studies involving small groups of participants using ‘Controllable Worlds’—i.e., a particular class of physics digital learning environment (DLE) including simulations, ‘microworlds,’ and educational games that provides users with control over manipulabl...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Business
Because games set in persistent virtual game worlds (VGWs) have massive numbers of players, these games need methods of characterisation for playable characters (PCs) that differ from the methods used in traditional narrative media. VGWs have a number of particularly interesting qualities. Firstly, ...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Business
Digital and open innovation has changed how product innovation occur and how it is managed by firms. Digital technology as an enabler of increasingly distributed innovation processes has in particular impacted firms’ abilities to draw on, and leverage, large numbers of external users and user commun...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Business
Urban Living Labs (ULL) have become a common way to address wicked design challenges within the future mobility, and smart city context. The move toward ULL is part of a paradigm shift away from focusing purely on the IT-artifact, innovation, and user-centeredness toward focusing on the urban contex...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Business
Group communication is a fundamental paradigm in modem distributed services, with applications in domains such as content distribution, distributed games, and collaborative workspaces. Despite the increasing interest in group-based services and the latest developments in efficient and reliable multi...
17 Page(s) / 4675 words USD 40.00Business
This thesis explores how the politics of cyber conflict redefine violence, sovereignty, and territory in and through cyberspace. It does this by studying how the digital mediates different facets and experiences of conflict and security in Palestine. Through a comprehensive and context-informed appr...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Business
When Facebook censored the Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph The Napalm Girl, it provoked a global outcry. It also showed digital media’s ability to redefine freedom of expression and information. Redefining fundamental rights and freedoms involves drawing limits upon other fundamental freedoms and ...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00