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Tribology of hot forming tool and high strength steels

Tribological research pertaining to moving machine components operating at elevated temperatures has so far received only limited attention despite the fact that many technological applications encounter high-temperature conditions. Examples of such applications can be commonly found in the aerospac...

49 Page(s) / 13475 words USD 30.00


Energy Transitions, Economic Growth and Structural Change: Portugal in a Long-run Comparative Perspective

This book analyses, in an international comparative context, Portugal´s energy transition from organic sources to fossil fuels in the period 1856-2006. It investigates the role that energy played in the industrialization of the country and how the relationship between energy and economic growth cha...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 30.00


Immigrant Careers - Why Country of Origin Matters

This dissertation examines the labor market outcomes of a population of natives and immigrants in Sweden from 1968 and until 2001. Previous research has consistently pointed to the importance of an individual’s country of origin, without being able to fully explain why this is the case. The standard...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 30.00


It Breaks a Man's Heart - Socioeconomic Differences in the Onset of Cardiovascular Disease in Contemporary Sweden

This doctoral thesis investigates the relationship between socioeconomic status and the onset of cardiovascular disease in a contemporary population of natives and foreign-born individuals in Sweden. The complexity of individual socioeconomic characteristics and the interrelationship with other car...

1 Page(s) / 275 words USD 30.00


State Capacity and Development in Francophone West Africa

This thesis proposes a unique quantitative investigation of the long-term development of modern states in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is done by measuring and analysing the dynamic history of tax revenue, as a key measure of the capacity of the state, and development in four countries in francophone We...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 30.00


Dynamic Decades: A micro perspective on late nineteenth century Sweden

This dissertation examines various aspects of mobility during the closing decades of the nineteenth century in Sweden. In terms of the pace and magnitude of the changes taking place during this industrial breakthrough, no other period in Swedish history compares. By studying three aspects of mobili...

50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 30.00


Dynamic Decades: A micro perspective on late nineteenth century Sweden

This dissertation examines various aspects of mobility during the closing decades of the nineteenth century in Sweden. In terms of the pace and magnitude of the changes taking place during this industrial breakthrough, no other period in Swedish history compares. By studying three aspects of mobilit...

46 Page(s) / 12650 words USD 30.00


Take a Walk on the Wild Side : The Behaviour, Attitude and Identity of Women Approached by Satyrs on Attic Red-Figure Vases from 530 to 400 BC

This study examines the behaviour, attitude and identity of women approached by satyrs on Attic red-figure vases from 530 to 400 BC and in particular how modern conceptions have influenced earlier interpretations of these women. In order to illustrate the diversity of the interactions between women ...

46 Page(s) / 12650 words USD 30.00


Honorius and the city of Rome : Authority and legitimacy in late antiquity

This study examines the importance of the concept of Roma et Augustus, the close relationship between the Roman emperor and the city of Rome, in the reign of Honorius, who reigned in AD 395-423. Rome and the emperor were two of the most important and conspicuous manifestations of Roman civilisation ...

27 Page(s) / 7425 words USD 30.00


Harbours and Hinterlands : Landscape, Site Patterns and Coast-Hinterland Interconnections by the Corinthian Gulf, c. 600-300 B.C

The thesis examines interconnections between the Corinthian Gulf and its surrounding hinterlands during the Archaic and Classical-Early Hellenistic period, c. 600 to 300 B.C. Interconnections have been studied through site patterns in the surrounding regions. The distribution of sites shows that sig...

46 Page(s) / 12650 words USD 30.00

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