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Tunneling involves large uncertainties. Since 2009, design of rock tunnels in European countries should be performed in accordance with the Eurocodes. The main principle in the Eurocodes is that it must be shown in all design situations that no relevant limit state is exceeded. This can be achieved ...
49 Page(s) / 13475 words USD 30.00Jobs & Career
An expanding population and increased need for infrastructure increasingly necessitate construction on surfaces with poor soil conditions. To facilitate the construction of buildings, roads and railroads in areas with poor soil conditions, these areas are often improved by means of foundation engine...
49 Page(s) / 13475 words USD 30.00Jobs & Career
Block failure is one of the most common failure modes in tunnels. Design tools have some simplifications and, therefore, they also have some model uncertainties. The purpose of this licentiate thesis is to assess the model uncertainty for different design tools in order to estimate block stability. ...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 30.00Jobs & Career
This thesis presents a discussion of design tools for analysing block stability around a tunnel. First, it was determined that joint length and field stress have a significant influence on estimating block stability. The results of calculations using methods based on kinematic limit equilibrium (KLE...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Jobs & Career
There are many reasons for organizations to improve job satisfaction; it creates happier employees, it lowers costs for hiring and training new personnel, it lowers costs for sickness absence and also creates more motivated and productive employees. To stay competitive, many organizations take on a ...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Jobs & Career
This thesis studies the role of new firms in the labour market and uses Swedish data to analyze labour mobility in new firms, including both transitions of workers into and from new firms. In particular, it focuses on employees’ wages in new firms and post-new firm employment labour market outcomes ...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Jobs & Career
Software start-ups make media headlines daily, suggesting that it may take only a garage and two engineering students to begin such companies, and that these same people will constitute the core of the executive team until these organizations become multinational giants. Despite these spontaneous ...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Jobs & Career
The experience of unemployment puts individuals at risk of long-term negative scarring and the longer the unemployment spell, the greater the risk of negative scarring. In Sweden, labour market policies aim at reducing such risks in the form of unemployment benefits, active matching and active labou...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Jobs & Career
ackground: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are a major reason for sick leave and results in individual suffering as well as economical consequences for both the individual and society. It is important to study variables from a multidimensional perspective to predict sustainable return to work (RTW)....
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00Jobs & Career
By the early 90s, some Swedish county councils initiated market-oriented steering mechanisms to meet increasing demands for cost efficiency. Among these was the County Council of Gävleborg. The U.S. Diagnosis Related Groups-system (DRG) was used as an output measure for delivered somatic inpatient c...
50 Page(s) / 13750 words USD 40.00